Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Week 2: Basic Concepts of Website

Hello and Hai,

As told last week, Dr Noor Dayana will conduct the class. Before we proceed with the lecture, Dr Dayana had brief more on assignment. Our website should apply learning theory and learning strategy. Apart from that, the website should be for learning purpose. So, the website should be friendly user towards students who are our target user. Dr Dayana had explained more on evaluation which consist of Formative Evaluation and Summative Evaluation.  Formative Evaluation or Alpha testing is a continuous testing which conducted before the website launching. This test involve expert such as content expert and multimedia expert. Summative Evaluation or Beta testing is conducted at the end of the development. This evaluation involve the real user.

Reminder: Assignment Format (Hardcopy)

Tape Binding and the cover must be in Blue colour.

In week 2, I have learn Basic Concept of Webpage. Webpage is a one piece document that consist in website. To differentiate between these two elements I always think "webpage live in the website". Without webpage there is no website. Website is a collection of webpages which hosted on one or more servers. Next, I learn about Portal. Portals are pages that intended to serve as main page or gateway. In this lecture I learn two types of portal which are general portal (Yahoo, CNET) and Niche (tutor.com.my which is for education).

Next, I learn what is Blog. Blog is a website that usually maintained by individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events or other material such as video or graphics.

Then I learn about CMS and LMS. CMS or Content Management System is a computer software system that use to organize and facilated collaborative creation of documents and other content. CMS also can be apply for website in order to manage the website's contents. Example of CMS include Joomla, Mambo and Xoops.

LMS or Learning Management System is a set of software tools that designed to manage learning intervations. Example of LMS includ Moodle, Sakaim WebCT and Blackboard. Then, we spend about 5 minutes for discussion session. There were two questions:

1. Personal web development using web authoring software vs CMS vs blog?

For personal web purpose my group had chose blog as our medium. Blog is easier tools compare to authoring software and CMS. One of the famous blog site is www.blogger.com. User do not have to learn programming in order to use blog. User just need to create an account and a site will be setup for the user. Tools in blogger.com is easy to use. Just take some time to be familiar with the tools that provide.

2. Educational web development using web authoring software vs LMS vs blog?

For Educational Web purpose my group had chose LMS. Like blog, LMS also provide tools that can be used to manage the learning site.

Sila klik gambar untuk tumbesaran sihat.

After done with the presentation, we continue the lecture with Types of Website.There are several types of website that I had learned.

1. Informational Sites - Provide information about a particular subject or organization.
2. Transactional Sites - Use to conduct some transaction. Example: E-commerce site.
3. Community Sites - Focus on particular topic or type of person and encourage interaction between like minded individuals.
4. Entertainment Sites - For game playing, music or movie.
5. Commercial - Built and run by an organization or individual commercial gain, either directly through e-commerce or indirectly through promotion for some off-line purchase of goods or services.
6.Government - Purpose of this site is to satisfy some social or legal need.
7. Charitable - To promote the goals of non-profit organization or the charitable activities of individual or organization.
8. Personal - Site exists at the sole discretion of some person or group for any number of reasons usually as a creative outlet or form of personal expression.
9. Visual Groupings which consist of:

  • Text oriented - Focus on textual content. Example: Wikipedia.
  • GUI Style - Follow certain graphical user interface (GUI) conventions from software design such as top-oriented menu bars, icons and pop up windows. 
  • Metaphorical - Borrow ideas from "real life". Example: Test drive for car, museum website.
  • Experimental - Attempt to do things a little differently then norm. This site employed unpredictability, innovation and even randomness.
Sila klik gambar untuk tumbesaran sihat.

That all. Thank you.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Week 1: Briefing(12092013)

Hello and Hai, 

As usual, first class in first week was for Course Outline Briefing. This semester, this course will be teach and guided by Dr.Noraffandy Yahaya and Dr.Noor Dayana Abd Halim. But, for this first class it was conducted by Dr Noraffandy. Next class will be by Dr.Noor Dayana. 

According to synopsis of this course, I the student will be exposed to some state-of-the-art communication technology tools which is the Internet and how can use the Internet efficiently in teaching and learning. In the same time, I will have a chance to develop interactive teaching and learning webpage. (I am able to develop webpage but I am not sure whether I am able to develop interactive teaching and learning webpage as I am not so creative to make the webpage become interactive.. ) A big BUT here, in order to take this course which is MPT1393: Web Based Multimedia Development, student must take MPT1193: Authoring System which the pre-requisite subject to MPT1393.

For this semester, it consist 18 weeks which include Mid-semester Break and Exam weeks. I will update from time to time on what had I learned in this class. For evaluation, there are seven(7) assignments and one(1) final exam which carry 30% out of 100%. So, that mean assignment will carry 70%. Actually, now we can come up with proposal. The proposal must be presented and getting approval  before we can proceed with the development. In Assignment 4 we need to present half which is 50% complete and the other half is in Assignment 5

Please click on those pictures so that you make them "grow" and clear. :)


Web Project will be done in group. It is expected that the website should be contain the following aspects:
Application of active learning strategies, Interactive application involving storage of user input data into database, Integrating all elements of multimedia (video, audio, etc), dynamic, educational and have commercial quality

Then, the marking will be based on technique in presenting the learning contents, interactive element, artistic values (I am afraid of this), creativity and originality and last but not least technical aspect.

Move to Design Documents, which documents that are needed before and during the development. This document should include learning problems which problem that consist in learning.. teehee... solutions to learning problems, learning objectives, content of the website, target group (primary or secondary students and university students or maybe teachers?? ), instructional design model used, theory/learning approach that will be used, flowchart and references or resources. DO NOT FORGET ABOUT FINAL REPORT. :)

There is also individual assignment which the evaluation form for website development. It will consist suitability of learning strategy, suitability of interface design, suitability of interaction design, motivational development, website features or strength and the weakness of the website. 

Apart from that, I the student need to do reflection and I choose blog to deliver my reflection. It will be focused on personal blog development and this blog is my 3rd blog actually. In blog, it must contain a page of my personal details, revision notes that had been used throughout this course, work or activities such as presentation, assignment which conducted during class and self reflection section about skills and knowledge that have been obtained from this course. During this class we have been told that this course will be repealed if the new course is being approved. The new course will be focused more on apps development and it will begin in 2014. 

I think that all for now. Thank you.