Monday, December 30, 2013

Week 13: Web Testing

Hello and Hai,

In week 13, I am learn about web testing. Web testing is a phase where web developer test his or her own site which can the developer to spot problems and make appropriate changes. A test plan provides a checklist of all the functionality in the program. Checklist can ensure that the testing can be performed in a consistent, detailed and through manner by one or  many testers. There are three types of error which include design flaws, content errors and software or system defects. Explanation of the errors are as following:

1. Design Flaws

User interface problems or suggestions such as proposed new features, relabeling buttons and screen layouts.

2. Content Errors

Inaccuracies data with formatting problems or data of poor quality in some other respect.

3. Software or system Defects

Commonly called 'bugs' and bugs were technical problems encountered when trying to run and operate the site.

Besides that, I am also learn about type of testing and there are five types of testing which include

1. Functionality Testing

Refers to the testing of programmatic features and is most appropriate for sites of higher complexity that contain features such as database access, dynamic page generation, and Java applets namely features that required actual programming.

2. Layout Testing

Refers to the ability of the website page layout to accommodate various user browser and hardware display configurations.

3. Load Testing

Load testing is about testing the server and web connection to know the capability of handling load. This testing is important if developer expecting heavy usage of the website. Load testing simulates the anticipated stress of the actual site usage to see if the system has any weak links.

4. Link Testing

The testing of links from own site to other web pages.

5. Usability Testing

Usability is a quality attribute that assesses how easy the user interfaces are to use.There are five quality components in usability testing which are learnability, efficiency, memorability, errors and satisfaction.

Apart from that I learn about acceptance test. There are two types of acceptance which are Alpha testing and Beta Testing.

1. Alpha Testing

A test among the teams (group developer) or friends to confirm that the website is works. Term alpha test meant the first phase of testing in a software development process. The first phase includes unit testing, component testing, and system testing.

2. Beta Testing

Second phase of software testing in which a sampling of the audience tries the product out. Also known as pre-release testing.

That all. Thank you.

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