Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Week 8: Visual Design

Hello and Hai,

In general, visual design is about planning how the web site will look. In this class, I learn several important elements that need to be considered in visual design. The elements include:

1. Colours for the website.
2. Font or styles that will be used for the written part of the web pages.
3. Graphics and multimedia needed.
4. How to combine all the element into attractive layout.

Apart from that, in developing website, user interface is also an important element. Elements of user interface are as following:

1. A background that reflect the theme - colours or images

2. Foreground elements that reflect the theme - context and links (title, headings, sub-headings, body text, illustrations and captions.)

3. Other elements that support the theme - such as text, images, buttons, navigation bars, animation, video.

This lecture also provide some general issues in visual design. The issues are as following:

1. Choose a visual theme - Should be connected to the content

2. Use template concepts - Should be consistent

3. Use table or division (div) or frame for layout or arranging the visual elements.

4. Typography
-Keep it simple by limit the number or fonts per page and per site. Apart from that, use the same fonts consistently throughout the site. 

- Make a good choice for fonts. (Sans serif or serif, used commonly installed fonts so that when loaded into web browser the font can be loaded, considered mood and readability)

* Readability is the ease in which text can be read and understood. (source: wikipedia)

For class activity, we were asked to sketch visual design for our group website. 

Sketch for index page (Home Page)

Sketch for content page. 

Notes for Visual Design (Click for clear view)

Thank you

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